
Convention Theme – Walled Cities – Hidden Treasures


Convention Theme – Walled Cities – Hidden Treasures

During the year 2018, Malta will be celebrating Valletta as the European Capital of Culture.

To celebrate this event, the Association of Lions Clubs Walled Cities has opted to organise this year’s Convention in Valletta Malta.

Valletta is the most important “Walled City” in Malta however it is certainly not the only one. Mdina, the old capital is another famous “Walled City “while across the harbour from Valletta one can find the Three Cities

all surrounded by high walls to offer protection from invasion by sea.

Most of these walls are well preserved although they are built directly on the sea and exposed to all elements.

Another “Walled City” is the Cittadella on the island of Gozo. This city has recently undergone a massive restoration project which has exposed the wonders of these “Walls.”

The theme of the Convention is “Walled Cities ~ Hidden Treasures”.

We have chosen this theme for two reasons; the first reason being that the walls are guarding the city, with all its treasures, the palaces and cathedrals, against invaders. The second reason being the walls themselves that are magnificent treasures of art and architecture.

During this conference we will learn more about our “Walled Cities.” We will learn how to protect and preserve them for future generations. But most of all we will find out the treasure that lie behind these walls.

May we all enjoy sharing our experiences, knowledge and culture, while we show pride in our past to enrich our future.


Lions Zone Malta


Lions International were introduced to Malta in 1958, when a group of elite Maltese and expatriate professional and business people got together to set up the first Lions Club under the name of Lions Club Malta George Cross. Eventually this Lions Club changed its name to Lions Club Malta Host.

Subsequently other clubs were formed from the original club. At present there are in Malta four Lions clubs namely  Lions Club Malta Host, as already mentioned, Lions Club Sliema, Lions Club St. Paul’s Bay and Lions Club Mdina.

All these clubs come together under the Lions Zone Malta.

This year Lions in Malta are joining other Lions all over the world to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of Lions International.