Author: art_citta_murate

About Malta


MALTA, officially the Republic of Malta, a member of the European Union, is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Maltese archipelago covers an area of 316 sq. kilometres and besides the main island of  Malta consists of Gozo, Comino, Cominetto and Filfla. Malta, a member of...

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During the Convention eight clubs will be given the opportunity to present their cities. These clubs are to be selected on a first come first served basis. Each presentation should be on either a DVD or pen drive and should reach us by not later...

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8th Convention Lions Club Walled Cities


Restoring the Foundations of our Culture to Maintain our Identity (Malta 2 – 4 June 2011) Our aim is to combine our efforts to raise an awareness of the cultural heritage common to our cities. Once we understand the significance of these walls and fortifications, we...

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Entrata nell’associazione di nuovi Club


Carissimi amici Lions spero stiate tutti bene e così pure le vostre famiglie. Con la presente volevo comunicarvi l'entrata, nell'associazione, di tre nuovi Club : 50 – LIONS CLUB FAENZA HOST 51 – LIONS CLUB NARDO’ 52 – LIONS CLUB CERVIGNANO-PALMANOVA Diamo il benvenuto a queste bellissime città murate, ricche di...

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Marostica 2010 Report


Today, 05.06.2010, during the VII International Congress Towns Lions met the Steering Committee composed of one delegate for each Lions Club represented. The President took the floor and refreshes the audience with some news: * The site of the association was much visited in the past...

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Programm, Marostica 2010


Venerdì 4 Giugno 2010 Gli ospiti che giungono a Marostica nella giornata di venerdì hanno la possibilità di visitare la città di Vicenza, accompagnati dai soci del Lions Club di Marostica. Visita guidata alla città di Vicenza Ore 15.00 Partenza dalla stazione degli autobus di Marostica (Viale Stazione) per...

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Report, Lucca 2009


Minutes of the Lions Club Chairmen’s Meeting, held in Lucca on the 2nd May 2009 During the Congress for the Association of Walled Towns with Lions Club branches, held in Lucca on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of May 2009, the Chairmen met to deal with...

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