Honorary President – Franco Ghio

The Honorary President for Life Comm . Franco Ghio

In 2003, Franco Ghio, during his presidency at the Lion Club Lucca the Walls, in order to leave a trace in time, had the inspired idea of founding the International Association of City walls by ancient walls.
Assuming the presidency, which lasted six years, the Association has grown exponentially beyond the wildest dreams …… The seed sown had borne abundant fruit.
Congress to Saint Malo, Franco Ghio, having been appointed Honorary President for life , leaving to his successor Diego Morlin, the operational management of the Association in accordance with the Articles of Association


The Honorary President for Life Comm. Franco Ghio and the International President Prof. Giuseppe Guerra at the XII Congress in Gubbio (Italy)

Delivery of the plaque, with the logo of the Association by the International Honorary President for Life of the Walled City – Lions Club, Comm. Franco Ghio the new President of the International Association for the biennium 2015/2017 Prof. Giuseppe Guerra at the Passage of bell of the Lions Club Lucca Le Mura of 13 June 2015. Club promoter and founder of the International Association of the Walled City – Lions Club.